Ms. Burke's Blog

Thursday, October 01, 2009

Extra Credit Opportunity!

Do you want to earn extra credit for the 1st marking period? Complete Ms. Snyder's library G.O.A.L. challenge by this Friday, October 9th. When we go the the library (on Friday, October 9th) you can show Ms. Snyder your reading list to prove that you have achieved the G.O.A.L. and she will pass your name on to me.

What do you earn for reaching your G.O.A.L.?
  1. 5 points of extra credit in the "homework" category of your English grade.
  2. A gold medal that will be presented to you at student-led conferences.
  3. Several small prizes from Ms. Snyder.

What does G.O.A.L. stand for?

  • Get ready: Choose a book to check out and then return at your next library visit
  • One then the other: Read one fiction and one non-fiction book
  • Any book: free choice to read any 2 books
  • Listen: to any audio book


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