Ms. Burke's Blog

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Grading Information

When viewing grades on Pinnacle it will be helpful to remember the following:

  1. Any assignment that is marked Z can still be turned in for credit.
  2. An assignment marked with a 0 is too late to be turned in.
  3. Warm up sheets can be turned in up to 1 week late. After that Z's will become 0's. (Warm up sheets really shouldn't be late, though, because they are kept in the classroom. Students just have to move the warm up sheet out of their table folder and into the turn in drawer.)
  4. Homework is checked in and stamped for a timeliness score on the due date. If it's not complete and in class on the due date, it can still be completed by the date the homework notebook is due (every other Friday). If the notebook is not turned in by the end of the school day on the due date, those homework assignments earn a 0.

*If there is an assignment that has a blank space, that means Ms. Burke is still grading the assignment and the score will be entered soon.


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